Always very white, perhaps with the help of whitening products, however i can't confirm that is the case.
If she does use white strips, i wonder which brand she likes best? Anyone know?
Until then, enjoy this picture of her stunningly nice teeth.
Rihanna Pictures | Rihanna Photos | Rihanna Images
Rihanna's #1 cock rider (you) - I personally think Rihanna has amazing teeth, probably some of the very best celebrity teeth in all of show business.
the man - YOU CANT EVEN SEE ALL HER TEETH. She could have no molars for all you know...and what the fuck do you mean best celebrity teeth in all of show business? It's a prerequisite to have white teeth if you are a pop star or movie star..I bet you don't find one blemish on any pop/movie stars if you were to look up 250 pictures of different celebrities..god you are such a cockrider...rihanna could have a nut sack and you would say she has the most beautiful nut sack of all female celebrities and you would love to suck on them all day and all night for 365 if she would let you. Hell, you'd probably even offer to castrate yourself to donate her your penis so she could be the 'hottest female celebrity with a complete man package (even though she'd have the smallest penis known to man)'
Sherlock Holmes (you) - Always very white, perhaps with the help of whitening products, however i can't confirm that is the case.
the king of all kings - REALLY moron? What Ivy league school did you go to? And those investigative skills...you couldn't have learned those ANYWHERE..you should open your own college, it would be the most prestigious school in the country, founded on your intelligence...
small penis boy (you) - If she does use white strips, i wonder which brand she likes best? Anyone know?
Best semen producer in the western hemisphere - yeah...she uses my SEMEN. it works WONDERS. want some too? you can be JUST like Rihanna
toothless crackhead (you) - Until then, enjoy this picture of her stunningly nice teeth.
Stunningly beautiful penis man - DON'T make me upload a picture of my stunningly nice/huge penis for you to slob over, you moron.